Sep 23, 2010

Ultimate Hacking E-Books Collection

For all you progressing hackers out there, here is a collection of E-Books to help you out. 

(This is currently only available for Windows, sorry)

This collection off E-books includes:

Hacking for Dummies
Hacking Intranet Websites
Hacking Techniques
Hacking The Cable Modem
Hacking The Linux
Hacking Web Applications
Hacking Windows XP
Hacking PSP
The Art of Deception
The Art of Intrusion
Network Security Hacks
Paypal Hacks
PC Hacks
Simple Hacks
The Database Hacker Handbook
Wireless Hacking
Wireless Hacks
Bluetooth Hacking
Ethical Hacking
Google Hacks
Hack & Crack
Hack Attacks Testing
Hack IT
Hack Proofing Your Network 1st
Hack Proofing Your Network 2nd
Hack Proofing Your Web Server
Hack The Net
Hack Xbox 360
Hackers Black Book
Hacking Firewalls And Networks
Hacking a Coke Machine
Hacking and Network Defense
Wireless Network 

Hacks &Mods


Enjoy your books!

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