Oct 14, 2010

More Regedit Tricks

So in one of my recent former posts, I gave some Command Prompt and Registry Edit tricks. Now, once again, I bring to you some more tricks, that enables you to set restrictions for a certain user or to just drive your friends crazy. Continue reading!

Okay, so before we begin, let me warn you that modifying the registry, which if done wrong, may cause you to have to reinstall your Windows operating system. so follow these steps exactly!

1. Go to

Start --> Run --> and type "regedit"

2. In the Registry Editor window, navigate to


3. Right click and add a new D-Word value. Name it one of the following. Each name does a specific thing, and yes, capitalization is important.

NoDeletePrinter — Disables the deletion of printers.

NoAddPrinter — Disables the addition of printers

NoRun — Disables the "Run" command

NoSetFolders — Removes folders from settings on the Start Menu

NoSetTaskbar — Removes the Taskbar from settings on Start Menu

NoFind — Disables the "Find" command.

NoDrives — Hides the drives in "My Computer"

NoNetHood — HIdes the network neighborhood

NoDesktop —Hides all the icons on the desktop (a perfect prank!)

NoClose — Disables the "Shutdown" button

NoSaveSettings — Don't save settings upon exit (yet another perfect prank!)

DisableRegistryTools —Disables the registry editing tools

NoRecentDocsMenu — Hides the documents shortcut on the Start Button

NoRecentDocsHistory — Clears the history of all documents

NoFileMenu — Hides the "Files" menu in Explorer

NoActiveDesktop — Disables the active desktop

NoActiveDesktopChanges — No changes allowed

NoInternetIcon — Removes the Internet Explorer icon from the desktop

NoFavoritesMenu — Hides the favorites menu

NoChangeStartMenu — Disables changes to the Start Menu

NoFolderOptions — Hides the folder options in Explorer

ClearRecentDocsOnExit — Empties the "Recent Docs" folder on reboot

NoLogoff — Disables the "Logoff" button in the Start Menu

NoViewContextMenu — Disables right click on the desktop

RestrictRun — Disables all .exe programs except those listed in the RestrictRun subkey.

Simply add one (or all) of the above and then right click the file. Click "Modify".

In the Value Data box, change the value from "0" to "1". 

To disable the above commands, change the value back to "0".

Have fun!


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