Nov 6, 2010

Hide Files In Images (Mac)

This is a really cool trick I came across. How secretive would it be to hide files in a plain image? Using a simple Terminal command, you too, can hide secret files in images. Let's begin!

1. First select the files you wish to use. There are two files: The file you wish to hide, (file.rar) and the image you want to disguise it as (image.jpg). I reccommend using a .rar file over .zip because with .zip files I had trouble opening it. Also with .rar you can add a password. You can make a .rar using SimplyRar.

2. Make sure the files are on your Desktop, then open Terminal. In Terminal, type:

cd Desktop

and then press enter.

3. Next, we'll combine the two files in that directory. Type the following:

cat image.jpg file.rar>newimage.jpg

Be sure that your files are named "image.jpg" and "file.rar" otherwise you'll have to replace the Terminal command with your specified file names.

4. Now on your desktop there will be a new file called "newimage.jpg" If you double click on it, it will still open like a normal jpeg file.

Now to open the .rar file, just change the extension from ".jpg" to ".rar"

Now open it with whatever extractor you choose. (I recommend Zipeg, it's probably the best .rar extractor out there, and plus, it's free!)

As you can see, this is a really cool Mac OSX trick. Use it wisely!


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