Dec 17, 2010

Newton Virus (Mac)

The Newton Virus is one of the only viruses on a Mac. Well, if you could call it a virus. This is more of a prank application, that is funny, amazing, and revolutionary. Keep on reading to become enticed by this awesome application! 

Basically, once activated, it silently runs in the background. It waits until it detects movements on your computer, then waits 30 seconds to attack. Its attack is not really an attack, it just collapses your menu bar, and desktop icons on the desktop. If running on a MacBook Pro, it uses the built in motion sensor to move the icons around if the laptop is tilted. 

This program looks amazingly real, and makes a great prank for your friends. Here is a video for it:

Download it here

Note: This program only runs on Mac OSX Tiger and Leopard, so sorry Snow Leopard users, there is currently no application for your platform.

1. After you've downloaded the zip file, extract it. There will be two files: the instructions text file and the Newton Virus app.

2. Drag the Virus onto your flash drive. The Newton Virus will not run unless booted off a removable disc. (a flash drive)

3. Now go to your victim's computer and plug in your flash drive. You don't need to drag the Virus anywhere just double click on it to open it. You should get a screen like the following:

4. Click "Release Virus". Wait for it to initialize and the window to disappear, then eject your flash drive. The virus launches once the computer begins to be continually used, and will deactivate after a minute. 

This virus brings no harm to your Mac whatsoever; it is just a very cool prank. Enjoy!

Download here.


  1. how can you stop it?

    1. you can stop shuting downwing your computer
      sorry for my bad english

  2. does it work on El capitan?


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